Bad Taste Drum & Bass 2018 Playlist :
1. Malux - Turbine [Teddy Killerz Remix]
2. Billain ft. Signal - Black Nazareth
3. The Prophecy & B-Complex - Encapsulation
4. Splash Heads - Zeratul
5. Manta & Instinkt - Ares
6. DeeJay Delta ft. Full Kontakt - Midnight Train [Skynet Remix]
7. Humanon & Subhype - Contrast
8. Bl4ck Owlz - Ground Shaker
9. Transforma -The Darkest Void
10. Malux - Fonk [Synergy Remix]
11. Nakwan - Obsession
12. Invadhertz - Mercury Rising
13.Vowel - Emerge
14. Bad District - Pinger
15. Tapolsky & VovKING - Schizoid
16. Urbandawn - Words to Say [Hybrid Minds Remix]
17. Ephyum - Implosion
18. Akov - Initiation
19. PLTX - Sad Dream
20. Tobax & Gydra - Progressive
21. Phonetick & Meph - Universal
22. Matys & Trilo - Undertaker
23. Filip Motovunski - Combination
24. Malux - Fonk [Disprove Remix]
25. OaT & KcA - Loneliness
26. Billain ft. Vegas - Shinde
And so it is Christmas, and as the year draws to an end Bad Taste summarises its last twelve months with this festive selection of what went down in 2018. “Bad Taste Drum and Bass 2018” is a collection of 26 experimental creations from some of the worlds most amazing artists that we proudly call our friends. Featuring tracks by Malux, Teddy Killerz, Billain, Filip Motovunski, Signal, The Prophecy, B-Complex, Splash Heads, Manta, Instinkt, DeeJay Delta, Full Kontakt, Skynet, Humanon, Subhype, Bl4ck Owlz, Transforma, Oat & Kca, Synergy, Nakwan, Ivadhertz, Vowel, Bad District, Tapolski&VovKing, Urbandawn, Ephyum, Akov, PLTX, Hybrid Minds, Tobax, Gydra, Phonetick, Meph, Matys, Trilo, Disprove & Vegas…..
An amazing year to say the least...